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Bio: Jason McDonald writes popular books on SEO, Social Media Marketing, and Google Ads plus a “primer” to the basics of marketing. All are available on Amazon. In addition, Jason teaches both SEO and Social Media Marketing for Stanford Continuing Studies online. His focus is on practical, basic information that helps entrepreneurs, small business owners, and marketers of all stripes not only understand the basics of today’s digital marketing but get them done with step-by-step plans. Jason began his digital marketing journey in 1994, when he founded “eg3.com” an online portal for embedded systems engineers. He began teaching in 2009, and now has a thriving consulting business focused on digital marketing. In addition, Jason has acted as an “expert witness” in litigation and gone all the way to trial three times, plus two binding arbitrations. He loves learning, loves teaching others, and loves figuring out how things “really” work as opposed to how the Tech Giants of Silicon Valley say that they work. Jason consideres himself a “recovering intellectual,” having earned a Ph.D. from Berkeley and his B.A. from Harvard. He’s a fanatic about the Matrix, Christianity, reading, Darwinian-style gardening, BBQ, cooking, and his black dog, “Buddy,” plus adopted grand-dog, “Levi.”
Contact Jason McDonald
Jason can best be contacted by email at j.mcdonald “at” jm-seo.net; or via Telephone at +1 510-894-6169 or “telepathic message.” If you are a journalist or blogger, it’s best to use the telephone! If you are an attorney needing assistance on his expert witness services, please contact him for his resume, case list, and rates.