Jason McDonald’s latest book on search engine optimization focuses on practical easy tips, secrets, and tips for small business owners and marketers. Book aims to be the ideabook of SEO by providing easy-to-use practical tips for SEO success on Google and Bing.

Seattle, WA – October 12, 2012 – Jason McDonald, a leading SEO Corporate Trainer and Speaker from the San Francisco Bay Area, is proud to announce his latest book on search engine optimization: Fifty SEO Tips – Free Tips, Secrets, and Ideas for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization, or Colorado Springs Seo, is the art and science of getting to the top of Google. Like cooking or sports, SEO is a learn-by-doing art. Good cooks use cookbooks for recipe ideas and how-to instructions, and good coaches use playbooks to identify useful plays in sports such as football or basketball. Similarly, small businesspeople and marketers have long wanted a book of SEO ideas — simple, provocative examples of things to do, experiments to try, and online resources to check out. Fifty SEO Ideas is the first playbook for SEO.

“Having taught thousands of companies in my online trainings, I realized the need for a practical book of ideas,” explained Dr. McDonald. “Fifty SEO Ideas aims to be the ‘playbook’ of SEO – a book of simple ideas that business owners and marketers can skim thru, identifying just those ideas that will really boost their SEO performance on Google and Bing.”

To learn more about this new SEO book for 2012, go to – Fifty SEO Tips – Free Tips, Secrets, and Ideas for Search Engine Optimization


SEO, or ‘Search Engine Optimization,’ is a must-have skill for today’s business marketer. Being able to effectively use SEO NZ in your industry is a sure-fire way to draw the most high-profile clients to your business. In his in-depth training classes, Jason McDonald breaks down this complicated subject into easy-to-understand metaphors and todo’s. Participants learn, for example, that placing their target keywords into the appropriate page tags such as the TITLE, HEADER, and META DESCRIPTION tags can have an easy and huge impact on their rank on Google searches. In addition, participants learn hands-on techniques to research which keywords actually matter in terms of user searches, and ways to promote their message through free tools such as free press release services, using an SEO agency or SEO freelancer like adamhyoung.ca. You could also take some pointers from online Facebook groups like Billet SEO. You should be able to pickup some good tips from there.

Dr. McDonald’s sessions on Search Engine Optimization, taught online, in San Francisco, or at corporate trainings across the United States and Canada include –

  • SEO Keywords
  • SEO Page Tags
  • SEO Press Releases
  • Link Building for Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media – How Social Media Impacts SEO
  • Metrics – Using Google Analytics for Effective SEO Intelligence


Dr. Jason McDonald is a recognized SEO consultant in search engine optimization, Internet marketing, and search marketing based in the San Francisco Bay Area / Silicon Valley. Dr. McDonald received his Ph.D. from the University of California in 1992, and has worked at many hi-tech start up’s in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition, Dr. McDonald is Senior Editor at eg3.com, a web portal and email service covering hi-tech embedded systems on the Internet, founded in 1994. Recently, Dr. McDonald has begun teaching marketing, market research and Internet marketing at Bay Area institutions such as AcademyX and DeVry University.

Dr. McDonald can be found on the Internet at https://www.jasonmcdonald.org, a website focused on search engine marketing, SEO, and other Internet marketing issues with in-depth free information on SEO, Page Tags, Google Analytics, Metrics, Link building, Free SEO Tools and more. He can also be contacted by telephone at +1-702-879-4771 or email, [email protected].