The Information Age keeps promising to make human life easier, yet many so-called helpful tools become confusing and complicated. It can have much to do with the minds that develop the tools vs. the minds of the users for whom the tools are made.
Most people want their work to be easier, and a simple, user-friendly application can do that. Unfortunately, a non-technical business owner has very different idea of what “simple” means compared to the mind of a technical engineer.
If you’re an attorney used to explaining cases around internet advertising and defamation, you may be familiar with how to break down detailed concepts to a jury. Many attorneys I’ve worked with have a strong understanding of digital marketing and how fraud occurs. And yet, when they need to build a solid digital marketing argument, they call me to be their expert witness. And I am getting plenty of calls asking about the Google Display Network! Cases involving click fraud, fake conversions, and harmful bots related to the GDN are growing. Explaining how this works to a jury can seem like a real head-scratcher to an attorney.
For those who do not work in digital marketing, it can be tough to absorb the concept in one sitting. And when a jury needs to settle on a verdict, they’ll require a “crash course” in how the GDN operates. And you’re going to need an expert witness who is familiar with explaining digital media effectively. This means it’s best to avoid any “engineer speak” involving unfamiliar acronyms and industry-level language. Although the evidence should be shared simply, the jury shouldn’t feel talked down to. People remember how you treated them, so you don’t want to insult their intelligence. I’ve spent several decades explaining how digital media and SEO platforms work and communicate with each other.
Google Admits their Tools Aren’t Always Easy to Navigate
It’s True. In fact, if you Google “Is the GDN confusing?” the answer it pulls up is: “Yes, the GDN can be confusing for many advertisers.” Let’s just say the Google Display Network is still a work in progress. But that doesn’t help a business that’s experienced harm from pay-per-click internet advertising fraud or defamation. And if you are an attorney who needs an expert witness in a Google Display Network case, I’m here for it! One key reason lawyers reach out to me is that they can struggle to navigate the expansive digital marketing network the GDN has become. The GDN connects with 90% of users worldwide and focuses heavily on remarketing to users who have made prior purchases on a website. This gives nefarious bots and fraudulent websites golden opportunities to step in and take advantage of that feature.
But how do you explain it to a jury? The intricate network isn’t easy to decipher, but I’ve been watching the GDN from the beginning and can unravel the complexity to average folks. I’m a Google Ads expert who shows businesses how to use their dollars wisely when organizing their digital marketing campaigns. It’s my profession to help people understand how to leverage the GDN to their advantage! As an expert witness in Google Display Network cases, I’ve guided juries through the GDN so they understand how conversion fraud occurred. I’ve also explained PPC click fraud, and how bots adhere to a website and re-route customers elsewhere. The Google Display Network isn’t always easy, but I can explain it to your jury! So, there you go ~ Jason McDonald