Fremont, CA – February 10, 2010 – News is one of the best SEO opportunities, especially as Google, Yahoo, and Bing migrate to what is called real-time search. Each search engine is hungry for new and fresh content, and clearly rewards websites that update frequently with news and blog entries. Beyond that, an entire new ecosystem is emerging of free press release distribution services. Unfortunately, however, most business owners and marketers do not understand the value of news, nor how to submit their news to these new free services.
Jason McDonald, a leading expert in SEO Training, has just announced his latest ‘Get SEO Fit’ Youtube Video on ‘Free Press Release Distribution.’ The Youtube series is designed to provide quick how-to introductions for busy marketers and other professionals to learn SEO at their own pace via Youtube.
The blog post and Youtube video can be found at:
Why Free Press Release Distribution Matters for SEO
Click on Above to Watch in Full Screen
Or, go to My Youtube Channel!
"News matters!" said Jason McDonald, SEO Director of the JM Internet Group, "All the major search engines are moving to ‘real-time’ and ‘blended’ search, and therefore you get a great benefit by churning out valuable news. The question is how to create news on your website, and after you have posted the news release to your website, how to submit it to the free press release distribution services."
What are the steps to creating a great news release? First, identify something that you or your company has done that is new and exciting. It could be a new product, a new technology, your attendance at a trade show or event, even commentary on industry trends. Partnerships with other companies are also a great opportunity. Second, post the news release to your own website in the proper format. That means having an effective headline (your TITLE tag), an effective first paragraph (your META DESCRIPTION tag), and effective copy (weaving your TARGET KEYWORD throughout the news release). Third, go to one or several of the free press release websites, sign up for your free account and submit your news.
The new Youtube series, ‘Get SEO Fit,’ focuses on topics useful for marketers and business owners. How to post a successful news release is one of the appropriate topics in the series.
Press Release Syndication: The Buzz Effect
In the video, Dr. McDonald explains not only how to get your news picked up by the search engines but the main benefits from having them do so. Once your news is submitted, it will generally be picked up by Google and the other search engines within a few days. At that point, log on to and search for your press release by exact title. Then narrow down your search by some of your target keywords. If you have done your work right, you will see lots of replication of your news across the web. This has three benefits. First, readers read your news and click directly to your website. Second, Google interprets all these incoming links as ‘votes’ for your website and may boost your PageRank as a result. And third, creating buzz and activity around your website tells Google that your site is fresh and spurs re-indexing of your content.
To see an example of buzz, Google the phrase ‘Google Keyword Training’ and see the replication of the JM Internet Group’s recent release of the February SEO Training schedule.
Free press release distribution is win, win, win for SEO. So go out and make some news!
News Releases
Dr. Jason McDonald is a recognized SEO consultant in search engine optimization, Internet marketing, and search marketing based in the San Francisco Bay Area / Silicon Valley. Dr. McDonald received his Ph.D. from the University of California in 1992, and has worked at many hi-tech start up’s in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition, Dr. McDonald is Senior Editor at, a web portal and email service covering hi-tech embedded systems on the Internet, founded in 1994. Recently, Dr. McDonald has begun teaching marketing, market research and Internet marketing at Bay Area institutions such as AcademyX and DeVry University.
Contact Information
Dr. McDonald can be found on the Internet at, a website focused on search engine marketing, SEO, and other Internet marketing issues with in-depth free information on SEO, Page Tags, Google Analytics, Metrics, Link building, Free SEO Tools and more. He can also be contacted by telephone at +1-702-879-4771 or email, [email protected].