San Francisco, California – February 24, 2022. Jason McDonald, an expert on search engine optimization, social media marketing, and Google Ads, is proud to announce content updates to his website that showcase his expert witness services. Dr. McDonald has been certified in both federal and state court, and has acted as an expert witness in SEO, Google Ads, and social media for more than ten years.

“As marketing and advertising have moved online, I have increasingly been called to be an expert witness in digital marketing and advertising,” explained Dr. McDonald, Director of the Jason McDonald SEO Consulting Agency based in San Francisco. “Accordingly, I have updated my homepage to emphasize these services, so that attorneys looking for a best-in-class expert witness can easily find me and then reach out for a consultation.”An expert witness in search engine optimization must follow the facts.

Persons interested in seeing the content updates should visit The new homepage layout starts with a clear explanation of Dr. McDonald’s expert witness services. In addition, interested persons on the mobile phone now see an easy “click to call” button. Many attorneys who are seeking expert witness services are under time pressure and thus need a quick call to see if it’s a good match. In addition, newly updated pages explains Dr. McDonald’s key service areas of SEO (, social media (, and Google Ads ( In each case, those pages explains the basics of how Dr. McDonald works with an attorney to understand the parameters of a case, then conducts detailed, factual research, and finally can explain the complexity of the facts to a judge or jury, drawing on his immense experience. It should be noted that Dr. McDonald teaches both SEO and social media for Stanford Continuing Studies, and has best-selling books on SEO, social media, and Google Ads. All of this makes a top-rated expert witness who can understand and explain facts clearly and succinctly.

In addition, Dr. McDonald’s books have been featured on many lists of the best books by category. For example, a prominent list of top Google Ads books for 2022 ( places his book high on the list, as does an older list from BookAuthority ( The story is similar with lists of top social media marketing books (


Jason McDonald is director of The JM Internet Group, a leading online training company. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1992, and now both teaches and consults to San Francisco Bay Area businesses in SEO, Social Media Marketing, and AdWords. In addition to those services, he has been recognized as an expert witness in litigation on Internet marketing. He has several popular books on Amazon on the topic of Internet marketing. Jason is known as an expert in social media marketing in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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